Five Reasons Smart Businesses Hire An External Marketing Team
We often give advice to many business owners, and of course, one of the most popular topics discussed is how to increase customers, sales, and brand awareness. At Moore Than SEO we encounter these same challenges and may also find it difficult to make the time for the same self-promotion. In our experience, many businesses have a strong desire to execute successful marketing efforts, but like us, they also struggle to carve out time and resources. This is why specialty firms like ours exist and we can provide a great number of benefits to those who understand the value and benefit of marketing.
Perhaps you’re a new start up with limited resources, staff, or reach. You may even be a seasoned business owner who had time for marketing focus in the beginning, but has expanded to a point that it’s now difficult to find the time. Or, your business may be linked by a well-known franchise that provides a range of marketing services, resources, and identity standards to which your business must strictly adhere. (And you still have to find the time to take advantage of these marketing resources.) Whatever your situation, the benefits of strategic marketing will always be a necessary force for growth.
Here’s why:
1. Social media success relies on consistency, sharing quality content, and nurturing follower engagement. It’s possible to manage this on your own, but if you’re struggling with time your business can benefit from retaining a dedicated team. The best social media professionals are well-versed in marketing and are experts in social network technologies. Contracting a managed social media program removes the need for extensive training, potential mistakes, and stress.
2. Do you run a business that doesn’t have a website? It’s worth the effort and cost to develop a website that markets and defines your products and services. In this day and age, every business needs a quality website to thrive. Are you still trying to get this done? Hiring experts can make the job affordable, speedy, and successful.
3. The best marketing programs are fully integrated into all methods of promotional communication. A seasoned team of marketing strategists can help a business to identify missed opportunities for profit, gaining new audiences, and extending brand awareness providing excellent return on investment that’s driven by analytic metrics – not hunches.
4. Stay on the cusp of valuable marketing trends and always have experts at hand to address strategic adaptations to your program. SEO has changed drastically over the past two years and will continue to do so. Social media marketing is ever-changing as well (Think recent Facebook algorithm changes…). When you work with informed experts you’ll always be ahead of the curve.
5. Gain creativity and cross-pollination for marketing programs and ideas. What is learned from one client’s strategy can easily be applied to another, when relevant. Forge co-marketing alliances whenever possible and gain immense benefits. Cross-promote your business across all advertising and communication – both online and local. Retaining an outside marketing team will keep your business on task and moving toward goals.
If you find your business is time- or tech-challenged when it comes to marketing, consider the many benefits of hiring your own external team. Commitment to marketing, whether internal or external, pays huge dividends in terms of profits. Contact us for more information, we’d love to help your business grow.